Hey loves! Do you ever get the urge to just redecorate or re-design a room in your home? Sometimes rooms just need a do-over as your style evolves over the years. If you have trouble figuring out where to start, I got you – with this how to design a room in 9 easy steps! I am actually in the process of re-designing and decorating my guest and daughter’s playroom. These are the steps I use. So, Let’s go over the 9 easy steps I use to decorate a room.
Step One- Take Measurements
First, you will need to know the dimensions of the room. So take a measuring tape and measure out your space. I suggest drawing a rough sketch of the room with the dimensions, to include any closets and windows. Knowing the measurements ahead of time will help you later on when you decide on furniture, curtains, wall art, etc.
Step Two- Lighting
Determine where your natural light in the room is and where the darker areas are. Decide on where you will need additional light based on what areas lack natural light. Your artificial lighting placement should take priority when deciding on furniture placement. Take notes on your rough sketch of the room where you will need additional light.
Step Three- Decide on What Type of Mood you Want your Room to Convey.
This is one of the most important steps. When picking the mood for the room consider what the room is being used for and how you want to feel in the room, and how you want others to feel in the room. Do you want to feel energized, calm and relaxed, or more grounded? There is a great article on 10 Types of Room Moods and What Colors Define Them, for more in-depth information on room moods.
Step Four- Pick the Room Wall Color and/or Patterns.
When picking the color and patterns that you are going to use in the room keep in mind the overall mood you are trying to convey. This will help guide you in your color choices.
Step Five- Gather Samples
Gather samples and swatches of the types of patterns, colors, and materials you want to use to decorate your room. Putting samples all together gives you a better vision of how the space will look. This allows you to swap out items or materials before it’s too late.
Step Six- Decide on Flooring
Depending on what mood and style you are trying to create for your room you may need to consider the flooring. Does it go with your established plan for the room? Pick a style floor that will stand out from the walls. Decorate from the ground up. If you are adding a rug to your space remember to make sure you buy the right size rug. At a minimum, you want a rug that allows the front legs of your furniture to sit on the edge to define the space. Otherwise the rug will appear to small and look as though it is floating in the middle of the room.
Step Seven- Pick your Room Color and/or Pattern(s)
As a general rule don’t mix multiple patterns together and try to have 3 colors or less. Try to pick colors that are in line with the mood you are trying to convey for your room. HGTV has a great article on colors and how they effect your mood- How to Create a Mood with Color
Step Eight- Decide on Furniture and placement
You have your desired mood and room style selected. Now, is the fun part – pick your furniture pieces. Also, determine where your main focal point in the room will be. Will a piece of furniture be the focal point? For example, when I re-do my guest bedroom the bed will be the focal point of the room. Stage/place your furniture so it complements your main focal point of the room. Other then picking your focal point here are a few other things to consider when deciding on furniture placement –
A. Consider traffic flow
B. Create conversation areas
C. Don’t group all large or small furniture together – try to balance your furniture pieces throughout the space.
D. Use wall art that is proportional to your furniture. Easy rule of thumb- art work or an art work display should be about 2/3 the size of any piece of furniture it is hanging above.
E. Don’t forget to add window treatments/ curtains
Step Nine- Accessorize
Keeping your mood and style in mind pick accessories to decorate your space. I like to think of pieces that tell my families and my story. It’s your home and should convey little pieces of your life and family history. It can be anything from family antiques to a picture gallery wall to something that speaks to you. I especially love picture gallery walls displayed on art ledges. They are absolutely stunning and add a wow factor to any room. I was able to find a few pictures (below) of some well decorated picture ledge gallery walls.

I hope you all were able to gain some insight on how to design a room in 9 easy steps. Let me know in the comments if you would like to see more décor and design tips from me!
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