Are you wondering if Creative Live is worth the investment? I am here to give you an unbiased opinion, a full and honest review of Creative Live. ALL the good and the bad to help you answer that question for yourself. As for some it would be a great investment and others, maybe not so much. During this review I will start out with explaining Creative Live, what they offer, deals they have for purchase options, my point of view on the good and the bad, and my personal experience with Creative Live.

What is Creative Live?
Creative Live is a website that provides online education from the best educators in the world for each niche. These online education classes are geared towards creators, those passionately wanting to learn new skills, and entrepreneurs. They even have classes for those that want to change their mindset and personal well-being.
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What Courses Does Creative Live Offer?
When you first go to the Creative Live website they have a classes list in the top left corner for the individual to browse, and in the right corner a “For Teams” link for organizations. For this review we are going to stick to the offerings for the individual. I did however want to point out for the full and honest review of Creative Live that they do have a business option for organizations that want to train and invest in their employees.
Creative Live has 5 Categories of Classes – which we will get into in a sec. They also offer FREE, yes FREE, classes and free CLTV. (Creative Live TV) is a relatively new option they have launched during the pandemic we are in with COVID-19. The page for CLTV shows you what content is on air that day and you can pick an choose to tune in whenever you wish. For example, today they had Free Mental Health Wellness Class, a diversity photography class, and two Money & Life classes ( what successful people do before breakfast, and a physical health class) and many others. There is also a 24/7 replay option so you don’t miss a class! Free education TV – sign me up!
Creative Live Categories
Ok, now lets jump into these categories that are offered.
Photo and Video
In this section they offer everything from tutorials explaining how to use your camera, basic fundamentals, posing tips, using lighting, how to use photography software, techniques( ex: videography, aerial and drone, filmaking, etc), and how to photograph different genres (12). On top of all that they also offer FREE photography classes. So, if you are hesitant at all on spending the money for a class I would recommend you check out their free classes first.
This category has 972 classes, with 1.91M, (yes, million!) students and 32k projects. These classes would be so great for anyone that wants to be able to capture their own family memories without needing a professional photographer. To have knowledge and the skill set to be able to capture those moments, like a professional, is absolutely priceless.

Money and Life
This category has three different sections – Self Improvement which offers – Lifestyle, Money and Finance, Self Improvement, Time Management, and Wellness classes. Entrepreneurship, which offers – Business Basics, Creative Inspiration, Entrepreneurship, Freelancing, Marketing and Sales, Online Business and Social Media. The last section is Skills, which has classes that teach Communication, Leadership and Management, Podcasting, and Writing.
For this category alone they have 427 classes and 824k students. This is a smaller class category, but is very popular. Mental health is especially important right now. I think everyone could probably benefit from a few of these courses. Taking care of yourself should be our #1 priority and we should never neglect our mental well being. One popular class is the Power of Happiness, check it out here:
I have taken a few of the Entrepreneurship classes and I will say this I was not disappointed with the amount of useful content ( I will get into this more below).

Art and Design
Again, this category has 3 sections as well. The first section is Essentials which gives the beginner the basics to develop their skill set they are passionate about. The classes in this section are color, business, drawing and illustration, typography, and lettering. Section 2 -Fundamentals, again courses to build a little bit more on those essential stills you learned in Section 1. Section 2 (Fundamentals) goes into courses related to Branding, Design Inspiration, Design Projects, Design Thinking, Fundamentals, Graphic Design, Logo Design, Typography, UX, Web, and WordPress. And, the third section is Software. Once you have the skills you need, you will need to know how to use the software for your skill set. That’s where Section 3 comes into play (Software) with courses for Adobe After Effects, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe In Design, Adobe Photoshop, and other software tools.
Just for this Category they have 226 classes, 450k students, and 2k projects! Wow, just looking at all the courses they have here it just appears as though they covered their basis teaching everything from the beginner level to intermediate, even classes for the skilled artist and designer.
Craft & Maker
This category has 5 Sections. Section 1 contains content for Papercraft, which includes: Calligraphy, Hand Lettering, Mixed Media Art, Paper Craft Ideas, Scrapbooking Ideas, and Stamp Making. Eek…. honestly these just sound fun! Ok, I need to calm it down, my creator side is a little excited and we still have 4 more sections of classes to discuss.
Onto the next, Section 2 – Food and Home includes Cake Decorating, Floral Design, Holiday and Party Crafts, and Interior Design. Section 3, Needlecraft which contains content in regards to Cross Stitching and Embroidery, Fabric Crafts, Fashion Design, Knitting and Crochet, Quilting, Sewing, Surface Pattern Design, and Upcycling Ideas. Section 4, Jewelry Design. This section keeps it real simple and just has classes related to Jewelry Design. But, don’t let the simplicity of this fool you there are 14 classes in this section with 131 course lessons. So plenty of content! Lastly, they have a business section for the Craft Maker. So, these classes teach Business, Marketing and Sales, and the Etsy platform.
If you are a creator, or want to learn how to be a creator this Category is a gold mine of educational resources. I will point out I am a creator myself, so I understand how valuable this content is and it has me so pumped for the future courses I will be taking. Currently there are 177 classes, 274k students, and 3k projects.

Music and Audio
The final category, everything to do with Music and Audio! Sections for this category includes Essentials, Techniques, and Software. Under Essentials you have classes for Audio Engineering, Music Business, Song Writing, Sound Mixing, and Studio Pass. The classes in the Technique section include: Bass, Electronic Media Production, Guitar Recording, Learn to DJ, Live Sound Mixing, Recording Drums, Rock, Synth, and Vocals. Lastly, they have a section for you to learn Software associated with Music and Audio. This includes content for Ableton Live, Avid Pro Tools, Cubase, FI studio, and Logic Pro.
I will be the first to admit that I do not know much about the Music and Audio industry. But, It seems like they offer a wide variety of education resources. Since, I don’t know much about this category myself we will let the stats speak for themselves here. They have 79 classes and 124k thousand students. Currently, they are also offering FREE classes for this category. It looks like you do have to RSVP for these FREE courses.
Deals and Purchase Options
Individual Course Purchase
The first option to purchase any course you are interested in would be to just purchase one course at a time. Normally, courses I have seen are priced anywhere from $12 to over $100. They do run frequent discounts and sales on their courses. Right now they are running for 12 classes for 12$ each deal.
Creator Pass
This deal is what got me on board. You have access to their entire library of courses 1,500+ ( with some minor exceptions- just read the exclusions under the FAQs page). Not only do you have access to the library of courses but you also get additional perks. These additional perks include the Fast Class option. This option allows those that don’t have time to sit through 10 hours of content to now have the option to just watch the highlights. You also have the option to download classes for offline watching, seamless syncing between desktop and mobile, class bonus material, and access to exclusive conferences, just to name a few.
You can purchase this option in two ways- Monthly for $39, or a yearly fee of $149. I opted for the yearly fee of $149. It’s cheaper then the $39 dollar option in the long run as I wasn’t going to be able to watch everything I wanted in a months time or even a few months time.

Courses I have Viewed (the good and the bad).
Driving Traffic to Your Online Business
The course Driving Traffic to Your Online Business is taught by Neil Patel. This was the first class I decided to purchase and view. My honest opinion – I was not disappointed. The amount of valuable content in this course is worth hundreds of dollars. If any of you know Neil Patel you know he is one of the best at his niche.
I viewed this course during my down time while on vacation. It took me about two days to view the entire course. While taking this course, I took 8 pages- front and back of notes! I cannot say it enough this course is worth every penny if you are in the online business market and need traffic.Many of you see bloggers or others trying to pitch their course material to you for $20- $30 or more. I have tried those also. Neil Patel blows them out of the water with this online course. Definitely the best value for the money.
Creating a Responsive Website with WordPress
Creating a Responsive Website with WordPress is taught by Brian Wood. He does a great job in taking things slow and breaking it down for the beginners. I needed to become more knowledgeable with WordPress for the launch of my business and this is just what I needed. He goes over each detail and option in WordPress and explains it thoroughly. At times, he was so thorough I was thinking “ok, time to move on to the next topic”. The only downside to this course was it was very monotone and I would say boring. However, it provided the information I needed and the content provided was valuable. I would recommend this course overall, if you need help with WordPress setup. This course is geared to the beginner.
Pintrest Marketing for Makers and Designers
Pintreset Marketing for Makers and Designers is taught by Megan Auman. I selected this course because I wanted to understand the Pintrest platform better. Although this course did help with that, not as much as I expected. Let me explain- some of the content was informative and insightful to the platform. However, when you have courses like this for a particular social media platform it can go out of date quickly. With Pintrest changing their algorithm I found some of the content out dated, or I wasn’t sure if some lf the content was still valid. I felt this course was not as reliable as it could or should have been.
Social Media Bootcamp
The Social Media Bootcamp class is taught by Jasmine Star. This course has an abundance of valuable content. Jasmine is upbeat and keeps your attention. This is actually a fun class to watch and learn from. Jasmine makes everything relatable, breaks it down for the beginners, is engaging and fun. Another course worth the time and money spent.
Let’s summarize the Full and Honest Review of Creative Live
Overall is Creative Live worth the money? If any of these topics discussed above interest you…I would say heck YES! The courses really are not that expensive and they also offer FREE content. I find the majority of courses on this site are under priced for the value they provide. The deals and sales they have are amazing and make it a perfect opportunity for anyone that wants to learn a new skill, self-improvement, improve their well-being, photography, start a business, learn art or design, wants inspiration for craft and creating, or is interested in the music and audio business I would start with classes offered by Creative Live.
The only downside I have found thus far is courses offering Platform specific (Pintrest- specifically) teachings. Determine when was it last updated and do your research before you buy to determine if the content is outdated or not ( those algorithms change all the time).
Hope you guys found this Full and Honest Review of Creative Live helpful. Let me know what you think in the comments.
If you want to get started with creative live check out their free courses HERE
All the love,
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